User Groups

Baby and Toddler Group

Brompton Baby and Toddler group is a welcoming friendly group for 0-5 year olds and their parents and carers.  We meet on alternate Friday and Thursday mornings 10am – 11.30am except the last Friday of the month. 

For more information please contact Daisy Headley email:

find us at

Village Lunch

The Brompton Regis Village Lunch takes place on the last Friday of each month (apart from August and December) and is provided for the local community in the village and surrounding areas.

The normal cost for a 2-course lunch is £8.00 The standard of the food is excellent and am sure that everyone who attends would agree that it is extremely good value for money.

The lunch is held in the Village Hall and is run totally by volunteers.  The volunteers are a major part of this venture and without them, the lunch would not take place.  Some volunteers help with the food preparation and cooking, some with the set-up and others with the clearing up after the meal has finished.  

We are always in need of new people to help and if you would like to get involved, either with the cooking or set-up/clearing up we would very much like to hear from you.  
Should you wish to join in, we do normally have a limited number of seats available.

Please contact Chris Cherry on 01398 371543.


Craft Group

We are a group of ladies who are interested in various crafts and we meet once a week and bring our projects along and have a cuppa and company and swap ideas.  The crafts vary but the main interests are knitting, sewing, quilting and patchwork, tapestry, needlepoint and crochet.  If we feel like experimenting with a new craft or want to try something new, there is usually someone there who can help, advise or set you on the right track.  We have had someone painting Christmas lights and another lady did papercraft.  Who knows what you can start?

If you would like to come and try is out, we would love to see you, new faces are always welcome.  We meet every Wednesday from 1.30-4 pm but there is no obligation to stay for the whole three hours or to even come every week, but we do luckily have a core of members who do come most weeks and it helps to keep costs down. 

To join, we charge £5 but that is £2.50 joining fee and £2.50 weekly subscription included.  It is just £2.50 when you come with no payments for absences, so you can see it’s good to have a few regulars.  Tea, coffee and biscuits are provided bring your own projects and expertise.  We sometimes meet up and go to the large craft shows and it’s a great way to make new friends, and meet people with the same interests.  We love what we do and have fun while we do it!!  Do come along, we would love to meet you!

If you would like more information feel free to contact me, Claire, on 07462 886821

Short Mat Bowls

Our club meetings are on Monday afternoon 2.30 to 4.30 pm.  If anyone is interested in joining in, please contact one of the following:

Alan Wilson 01398 371359
Gill Smith 01398 371293

Brompton Regis Morris Dancers

We have a wonderful band and a warm hearted group of dancers, none of whom had any experience of Morris Dancing prior to our startup in 2018.

During the spring and summer months we meet every Sunday at 2.30pm for about two hours. All practice sessions include tea and cake and take place in the Village Hall or on the lawn at Hill Farm, depending on the weather.

This year we are putting on eight separate performances at various fetes and country shows. Our aim is to have lots of fun and to give pleasure to others.

We welcome newcomers of all ages and if you might be interested in joining us, please contact

Kevin Lawes  01398 371528.

Kingsbrompton Young Farmers

Young Farmers gives a great opportunity for young people to socialize and make many new friends in our rural area. 

Sports– We take part in all sorts of sports such as football, hockey, ten pin bowling, skittles, rounders, tug of war and many more. 

Socialising– There are hundreds of YFC events throughout the year ranging from local YFC discos to Winter Balls. 

Young Farmers gives a great opportunity for young people to socialize and make many new friends in our rural area. 

Sports– We take part in all sorts of sports such as football, hockey, ten pin bowling, skittles, rounders, tug of war and many more. 

Socialising– There are hundreds of YFC events throughout the year ranging from local YFC discos to Winter Balls. 

Charities– We raise money for charities close to our hearts through carol singing, bingo, big breakfast, quiz nights etc. 
Entertainments– Every year each club has the opportunity to perform a panto, drama or an entertainments production, this involves the whole club from acting and performing to designing and building the props and scenery.

Who can join? Any one aged between 10 -26 can join. You don’t have to be a farmer to be a young farmer!

Find us on Facebook:

For more information contact Sam Wade email: